Tag Archives: IAST, New Year

IAST, DAST, RASP and SAST: understand the difference once and for all

IAST, DAST, RASP e SAST: entenda a diferença de uma vez por todas

Cybersecurity has become a strategic issue for any business. If information today is such a valuable asset for businesses, it is critical that the entire digital infrastructure is prepared to keep it safe. In this sense, tests such as IAST,DAST and SAST have gained an even more important role in software development. But after all, […]

What is IAST and how does it work?


Interactive and dynamic evaluation of the application in the testing phase. IAST is the combination of the advantages of Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST). It works within the application and encounters security vulnerabilities in the source code while the application is launched according to an automated test. Application security […]