As the demand for more complex applications, programs and systems increases, their development becomes a real puzzle. In this scenario, development companies should know how to distribute the time and know-how of the teams involved, creating the best possible product. Among the obligations of innovative design and easy and efficient features, some points end up […]
Tag Archives: Cybersecurity
Amid so many positives in the use of technology, it is also important to be aware of the security care that this feature requires, as data storage increases every day more and more. Especially in corporate environments, data leakage and hacking of the company’s system are increasingly common. However, there are some strategies that decrease […]
Within your application development process, is it clear what vulnerability management is? The answer to this question should go far beyond “yes” and “no”, because there are several layers to consider on the subject. In your company, how is the matter discussed? And your strategy of vulnerability management does it really work? “But is there […]
The internet has made people more and more easier. Applications, websites, social networks and a number of features have been helpful in optimizing time, financial resources and work in general. However, with the frequent use of this feature, there was also a need to increase care for “cybersecurity”, involving a set of practices to protect […]
Building a defense mindset in a company implies the development of various conducts and measures. In the current scenario, one of the most important is to create an organizational culture of defense against cyber threats, as these are becoming increasingly sophisticated and robust. As we all know, security breaches in systems and applications can cause […]
Keeping data secure is one of the key functions of the IT industry in enterprises. After all, a lot of important information is stored on-premises servers or in the cloud. Therefore, any data leakage, such as financials, can affect a business dramatically. This problem is so drastic that, according to a survey by IBM with […]
With the growing demand for security initiatives it is increasingly important that IT professionals worry about secure development. In addition, the IT professional needs to be attentive to the delivery of services, in order to avoid the increase of costs, failures and delays during the process, among other unforeseen events. Implementing a culture of safe […]
It’s no secret to anyone that technology has changed people’s lives. Every day software is developed to meet human needs – which is great, but not necessarily safe. Ensuring cybersecurity solutions, besides being an important attraction for the consumer, is also an indispensable way to avoid legal problems with data intrusion, being in accordance with […]
Loopholes that facilitate hacker attacks have several causes, such as the people involved, inadequate application coding, and infrastructure failures. It is precisely because of this scenario, so broad and uncertain, that companies are concerned about data security. Whether in the Process of DevOps or even in an innocent email opening, the risks of hacker attacks […]