Information security became more relevant to companies, as they understood the need to be connected with the technological advances caused by digital transformation. Having a strategic look at technology has become a matter of survival in the current conjuncture.

One reason is that cybersecurity care needs to be improved to the fullest, so that an organization has highly available digital services and is less vulnerable to cyber attacks.

In this article, we will present relevant details for companies to assimilated best practices to keep data with the highest possible level of protection. Check out!

After all, what is information security?

In short, it consists of a set of practices that aims to give more security to information that is under the responsibility of an institution. In other words, it covers several procedures that minimize the risk of data being accessed improperly both internally and externally.

It is essential that all employees be made aware of the need for responsible use of data stored in a company or public agency. The new General Data Protection Law (LGPD) provides for fines that can reach R$ 50 million or 2% of gross revenues.

For cybersecurity to be effectively effective, it is necessary to establish a policy aimed at protecting information. This document must be disclosed and have the guidelines properly assimilated by employees. After all, an institution must implement measures that make it as difficult as possible to misuse the data.

Another point to be highlighted is the focus on periodically updating information security practices. This covers both employee behavior and the use of solutions that minimize the risk of virtual attacks. Hackers are employing increasingly sophisticated methods to achieve their goals, and this cannot be ignored under any circumstances.

The three pillars of information security

Understanding how it is essential to bet on information security to maintain and improve the organizational image is a key part of having a more strategic investment in this segment. With that in mind, let's introduce three fundamental concepts for a more accurate look at cybersecurity. Follow!


It is undoubtedly one of the most important pillars to show the need for a focus on data protection. A company and a public agency have an obligation to preserve sensitive employee information, such as medical and property data, for example.

In addition, there is institutional data that needs to be properly managed to avoid the disclosure of strategic actions before the ideal time. Due to these factors, it is necessary to value the confidentiality of adopting initiatives to ensure access to information only by authorized persons.

In other words, it covers vital measures to avoid embarrassing situations for organizations and the target audience, such as data leakage. Having personal information improperly is one of the aspects that make consumers lose confidence in a brand. This certainly shows how cybersecurity plays a crucial role in maintaining a strong image.


It is a pillar that must be examined very carefully, because it encompasses the ability to preserve data from origin to destination. That is, it keeps the information preserved from the moment of creation until the arrival to the recipients.

For example, a manager creates a report showing the results obtained by a given sector. However, the document information is modified internally to make up performance and show performance above expectations.

This practice creates an unrealistic scenario, which is quite dangerous for the formulation of business growth and sustainability strategies. It is therefore crucial that information security measures are taken to restrict access to internal documents and preserve data integrity.

Working with information that does not correspond to reality, regardless of circumstance, is very bad for any institution. This situation clearly shows how cybersecurity needs to be prioritized through investment in team awareness and IT solutions.


There is no ignoring that organizations need to have systems available for employees to act with a high level of productivity. Staying for hours without accessing management software, for example, can lead a company to have a large financial and performance loss.

Therefore, availability is the pillar of information security that is related to the need for institutions to keep data accessible to employees and customers, according to best practices of protection and privacy.

Many companies have been affected by ransomware (cyber attack that makes electronic systems and documents inaccessible and requires ransom payment to return to normality). This situation clearly exposes how cybersecurity needs to be improved to avoid problems affecting performance and reputation.

Information security: essential for businesses

Organizations need to maintain continuity of work uninterruptedly if they choose to invest in the digital world. An e-commerce, for example, cannot afford to give "lunch time" for transactions, because it is synonymous with loss of money and customers.

Also pausing for systems to be accessed by employees is another practice that makes no sense. Of course, they are exaggerated examples, but they serve to illustrate how organizations should be concerned about having accessible software and data, in accordance with good information security practices.

Having a cybersecurity policy and procedures to minimize damage related to security incidents is essential for an institution to be more protected from cyber attacks.

Information security and software development: understand the relationship

It is very important to raise employee awareness and invest in equipment and systems to follow the best cybersecurity procedures. On the other hand, it is vital to take a close eye when developing enterprise solutions.

If the rules for developing secure software are not followed, there is a huge risk that a company, for example, will fall victim to hackers. Therefore, it is valid, when creating a system, to eliminate loopholes that can compromise the integrity and availability of data.

The information protection policy should also involve system development processes. Thus, there is a greater focus on minimizing the possibilities of software being used to invade an institutional network, for example.

How bugScout can help

For an organization to be more connected with best practices for developing secure software, it is recommended to have experienced and qualified partners. Therefore, bugScout is an interesting alternative because it presents an advanced solution to detect vulnerabilities in system codes, which is critical to minimize risks in this sense.

Information security is a factor that should be present in the strategy of continuous improvement, because it enables to generate a stronger connection with the target audience and shows commitment to good governance practices.

If you are looking for resources to develop systems with a high degree of data protection, please contact us right now! We are on hand to help you strengthen your institutional image with consistency!